what is hacking?

1.what is hacking?

Any work is hacking.By fully controlly in the work is hacking. Rider,cooking,typing,etc Hacker export.

Hacking is identifying weekness in computer system or networks exploitits weeknesses to gain access.

example of Hacking:Using password cracking alogorithm to gain access to a system.


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HACKER>Of a person who is ablu gain access over the system and abuld to know the information with the help of actvietiess is called hacker.

2. What is Ethical hacking?

Also known as white hat hacker(Ethical hacker), they are recognized and officially stamped hackers who access systems to asses to identify and eliminate suspected weakness.Other responsibilities include vulnerability assessment, cracking of codes of illegal or anti-social setups,retrieval of crucial data required for security purposes.These are highly trained, certified and paid professionals.

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