Type of Hacker?

There are four type of hacker

(1)White hat hacker

(2)Black hat hacker

(3)Gray hat hacker

(4)Sucide hacker

(1) What is white hat hacker>person who have the ability to gain access over the system in a leger a is called a white hat hacker.

Any company is me. security check is hayer by white hat hacker(Ethical hacker).

(2)What is Black hat hacker>A person who can get  access to some particular in a illegel way is called a black hat hacker.

System hack without any permission is called black hat hacker.

(3)What is gray hat hacker>A person who can perform both activities search as illagle and legel is called gray hat hacker.

(4)What is soicide hat hacker>A suicide hacker is a hacker who hacks for the sake of destruction. Much like a suicide bomber,they are driven by bad intentions in majority of the cases.They are aware that they will cause harm and potentially will harm themselves as well.


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